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Virtual Power Plant for trading of balancing power

Our Virtual Power Plant

for providing balancing power services

With our unique Virtual Power Plant (VPP) software, we offer a proven solution for providing balancing energy to power systems. Controlled by our VPP, solar and wind power plants as well as other distributed energy resources (DER) can reliably supply different balancing products, such as primary (FCR), secondary (aFRR) and minute reserve (mFRR) to balancing markets. This opens up an additional stream of revenues for your energy portfolio.

Based on a real-time connection with your plants and integrated power forecasts, the Virtual Power Plant intelligently orchestrates decentralized power generation to ensure a defined flexibility. Due to its capability to automatically and precisely throttle power production for defined time intervals our SaaS solution can offer for example negative reserve from wind parks to balance overproduction in the power system.

There are no limits to the number or size of plants providing balancing services since our software is designed to manage large DER portfolios.

Complete IT solution for providing balancing energy

The Virtual Power Plant covers crucial processes of the entire value chain of the balancing energy market. This includes modelling of the connected plants, provision of required prequalification documents, a web portal for a fluent communication with plant operators up to balancing group management and revenue accounting.

Our comprehensive solution also includes the required technical standards to reliably communicate with transmission system operators and the connected plants. All connections meet or exceed the highest safety requirements.

emsys VPP customizes the Virtual Power Plant to meet your specific needs and to comply with individual market requirements.

Our VPP operates in international balancing markets

Being a globally leading VPP provider, our software solution has been in use by renowned energy companies for many years in international markets. Currently operational Virtual Power Plants provide balancing power with different technologies, including biogas, biomass, gas-fired power plants, wind parks, lithium-ion batteries and industrial loads.

We invite you to take a look at the highlighted reference projects listed below.

Project examples

Biogas, wind and solar plant

emsys VPP provides MVV Trading with its Virtual Power Plant for balancing energy fulfilling the demanding technical requirements of the four German TSOs.

Virtual power plant for optimal marketing of flexibility

Statkraft uses our Virtual Power Plant for flexibility trading in UK, thus contributing to the efficient integration of renewable energies.

Wind farm in Germany provides ancillary services via virtual power plant

With our VPP the largest European aggregator Statkraft maximizes the benefit from its 10 GW German wind portfolio.

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